圣彼得堡国立大学Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授及其团队系列学术讲座(二)

   在国际项目管理中心资助下,应理学院物理系周忠祥和袁承勋副教授的邀请,俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学等离子体物理专家Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授(目前已被聘为我校讲席教授)及其团队成员Eliseev Stepan博士等,来我校进行学术交流。近期举办系列学术报告,题目、时间和地点如下,报告内容涉气体放电动力学过程,等离子体物理数值模拟等,欢迎校内感兴趣的师生参加,后续报告通知持续更新中。




题目4Simple hybrid approach for simulations of DC glow discharges..

题目5Analytical methods for description and analysis of DC glow discharges.

时间:20181017日,下午14:00 ~17:00


题目6Fluid simulations of thermionic devices and arc-discharge-based devices using COMSOL Multiphysics

时间:20181018日,下午14:00 ~15:30


地点:哈工大理学楼 224


Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授简介:

Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授是国际知名的气体放电及等离子体应用专家,是俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学物理学系教授。是中俄等离子体物理应用技术联合研究中心,俄方负责人,跟我校等离子体物理研究有长期合作。目前在研科研项目多项,其中多数为国际合作科研项目。其出版专著4部,国际发明专利5个,在国际权威期刊发表学术论文100多篇(均为SCI收录论文,含多篇PRLAPLPOP等国际顶尖专业期刊论文),其中含有多篇ESI高被引论文(是入选具有高H指数俄罗斯科学家1775之一)。

Eliseev Stepan博士简介:

Eliseev Stepan博士毕业于圣彼得堡国立大学,从事等离子体数值模拟研究,尤其擅长利用COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场仿真软件等进行各种气体放电数值模拟,在国际权威期刊发表学术论文20多篇。



4. Simple hybrid approach for simulations of DC glow discharges.

In this lecture I will present:

- the basic idea and formulation of simple hybrid approach for simulations of DC glow discharges

- demonstration of reproducibility of main discharge properties in simulations using the approach

- analysis of electron energy balance equation as formulated within the approach

- comparison with experiment, discussion of results

- formulation of models of DC discharges with gridded electrodes based on the simple hybrid approach and simulation results

- prospects for future work on the topic

5. Analytical methods for description and analysis of DC glow discharges.

In this lecture I will talk about:

- introduction about place of analytical models in moder ngas discharge physics

- formulation of an analytical model of a short (without positive column) DC glow discharge with step-by-step derivation of formulas for plasma density and current voltage characteristics

- same as previous, but with included account of charged particle losses on discharge walls

- demonstration of calculations using derived formulas and comparison with COMSOL experiment

- prospects of future work on the topic

6. Fluid simulations of thermionic devices and arc-discharge-based devices using COMSOL Multiphysics.

This one will include:

- overview of previous work on the topic (hollow cathodes for SPT-100 and MHD thrusters, what was done right and was done wrong)

- introduction into fluid simulations of discharges with thermionic emission

- overview of work on development of self-ignition technology

- concluding remarks