圣彼得堡国立大学Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授及其团队系列学术讲座(三)

   在国际项目管理中心资助下,应理学院物理系周忠祥和袁承勋副教授的邀请,俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学等离子体物理专家Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授(目前已被聘为我校讲席教授)、Igor Mashek教授及乌克兰基辅大学Vladimir Gorin等,来我校进行学术交流。近期举办系列学术报告,题目、时间和地点如下,报告内容涉气体放电动力学过程,等离子体物理数值模拟等,欢迎校内感兴趣的师生参加,后续报告通知持续更新中。




题目7:Self-sustained MW discharges in quiescent gases and supersonic gas flows.

题目8:The subject of statistical mechanics. Microscopic and macroscopic description of the physical system. The concept of statistical equilibrium.

时间:2018年10月29日,下午14:00 ~17:00


题目9:Laser-Indused MW discharges gases.

题目10:Ergodic hypothesis and ergodic theorem. Distribution function Uniform distribution, Gibbs distribution.

时间:2018年10月31日,下午14:00 ~17:00


题目11:Magneto-Plasma Thrusters

题目12:Maxwell distribution and Boltzmann distribution. Thermodynamic temperature, density, pressure.

时间:2018年11月1日,下午14:00 ~17:00


地点:哈工大理学楼 224室


Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授简介:

Anatoly Kudryavtsev教授是国际知名的气体放电及等离子体应用专家,是俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学物理学系教授。是“中俄等离子体物理应用技术联合研究中心”,俄方负责人,跟我校等离子体物理研究有长期合作。目前在研科研项目多项,其中多数为国际合作科研项目。其出版专著4部,国际发明专利5个,在国际权威期刊发表学术论文100多篇(均为SCI收录论文,含多篇PRL、APL及POP等国际顶尖专业期刊论文),其中含有多篇ESI高被引论文(是入选具有高H指数俄罗斯科学家‘共1775名’之一)。


Igor Mashek教授简介:

Prof Igor Mashek, Professor of General Physics, Head of General Physics Department-1, Physics Faculty of St.Petersburg State University. His scientific interest is optics, lasers and MW and Laser plasma for applied aerodynamics. Dr. Gorin is an author of more than 100 works in this field. Prof. MAshek visited in Institute of Laser Physics, Hamburg, Germany in 1997; Berlin Technical University, Germany in 2015-2017. He participated in AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meetings, USA in 2002-2014.


Vladimir Gorin 教授简介:

Research Scientist of Physics Department of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University. He worked as invited research scientist in Pohang University, Republic Korea, 2001 – 2002. Dr. Gorin is an author of more than 30 works in the field of mathematical and plasma physics, published in reviewed science journals in Europe, US, Russia and Ukraine and many of reports in international science conferences in plasma physics. He is an author of integral equation for nonlocal ionization source in the hollow cathode theory. He published monograph “Mathematical models of nonlocal kinetics of electrons in glow discharge with a hollow cathode”. A textbook, Moscow, MIPT, 2011.