加拿大曼尼托巴大学Rasit Eskicioglu 教授学术报告通知

2019-12-11 10:12

应人工智能研究院的邀请,在国际项目管理中心的大力支持下, 加拿大曼尼托巴大学Rasit Eskicioglu教授将在我校开展学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。



报告题目:Collaboration opportunities between University of Manitoba and Harbin Institute of Technology

报告摘要:In this presentation, I will talk about the recently executed agreement, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ,between the University of Manitoba and Harbin Institute of Technology and highlight potential joint projects as well as other opportunities, such as student exchange at both undergraduate and graduate level, as well as faculty exchange.



Rasit Eskicioglu received his Ph.D. degree in Computing Science from the Dept. of Computer Science, University of Alberta, Canada, his MSc in Computer Engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Turkey, and his BSc in Chemical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He is now an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Computer Scienceat McMaster University, Canada. His also an Adjunct professor in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba and in Networked Embedded Systems Chair at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


Dr. Eskicioglu’s research is around (computer) systems, particularly computer systems; systems software; operating systems; distributed, cluster and grid computing; high speed network interconnects, mobile networks, and ubiquitous and pervasive computing. Most recently, he is working on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and their applications to real world problems, such asindoor localization, monitoring, and tracking and Internet of Things (IoT). His current projects are:

  • Gait monitoring and analysis thru Body Area Networks
  • Integrating WSN to Building Information Models (BIM)
  • Object localization, tracking, and monitoring in built environments