应材料科学与工程学院亓钧雷教授的邀请,俄罗斯Skolkovo科学技术研究院Dmitry Krasnikov教授于2024年11月13日举行学术讲座,题目为“THz devices from carbon nanotubes”,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。
讲座时间:2024年11月13日,9:00 (北京时间)
邀请人:亓钧雷 教授
摘要:The unique set of mechanical, electrical, and optical features of carbon nanotubes has inspired scientists and engineers for several decades to create new materials and devices in various fields of our civilization: from medicine to aerospace, from telecommunications to construction technologies. Significant progress in the field of functional materials ensures the gradual introduction of nanotubes into such scientific and technological products as antistatic coatings, lithium-ion batteries and polymer composites; nevertheless, the development of carbon nanotube-based devices in optoelectronics and biomedicine lacks in performance. This is mostly related to insufficient control on nanotube properties.
The lecture is dedicated to disseminating the most recent advances on tuning carbon nanotubes to create an element base in the THz range. By identifying five levels of material organization ("individual nanotubes", "nanotube agglomerates", "network of agglomerates", "structured assembly", "system of assemblies"), the works have transformed the polyphony of properties of carbon nanotubes to create THz modulators, sensors and novel devices. The lecture will detail: THz modulation with depth up to 80%, as well as speeds as high as 340GHz over a wide range, stretchable absorbers with high efficiency, electrochemical enhancement of such materials and novel patterning techniques for facile production routes.
个人简介:Assistant Professor Dmitry Krasnikov achieved his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Natural Sciences, Novosibirsk State university in Russia in 2015. His expertise on the synthesis and application of carbon-based nanomaterials have led to over 130 internationally peer reviewed publications, an H-index of 25 and an I-10 index of 46. He currently teaches 4 courses in various capacities at Skoltech, has won various national and international level funding awards such as “Awardee of All-Russian contest in chemical physics for young scientists 2024 (Russia)” and “Winner of mobility grant by Academy of Finland (Prof. Esko Kauppinen Aalto University)”, and currently acts as the industrial immersion coordinator for Skoltech’s physics program. His current research interests and directions include catalysis, aerosol synthesis, CO2 capture, nanocomposites, and optoelectronic applications of carbon nanomaterials.