
时间 2021年05月20日 09:30 - 11:30
地点 哈工大科学园 科技创新大厦J1622



讲者:高陈强 博士、贾骏雄 博士、贾西西 博士、束俊

报告地点:哈工大科学园 科技创新大厦J1622

主持人:左旺孟 博士





1. 报告一题目:红外视频行为分析及智慧校园中的视觉分析








2. 报告二题目:Stein variational gradient descent on infinite-dimensional space and applications to statistical inverse problems


报告摘要:For solving Bayesian inverse problems governed by large-scale forward problems, we present an infinite-dimensional version of the Stein variational gradient descent (iSVGD) method, which has the ability to generate approximate samples from the posteriors efficiently. Specifically, we introduce the concept of the operator-valued kernel and the corresponding function-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). Through the properties of RKHS, we give an explicit meaning of the infinite-dimensional objects (e.g., the Stein operator) and prove that the infinite-dimensional objects are indeed the limit of finite-dimensional items. Furthermore, by generalizing the change of variables formula, we construct iSVGDwith preconditioning operators, yielding more efficient iSVGD. During these generalizations, we introduce a regularity parameter 0<s<1. Our analysis shows that the intuitive trivial version (i.e., by directly taking finite-dimensional objects as infinite-dimensional items) of iSVGD with preconditioning operators (s=0) will yield inaccurate estimates, and the parameter s should be chosen larger than 0 and smaller than 0.5. Finally, the proposed algorithms are applied to an inverse problem governed by the Helmholtz equation. Numerical results confirm the correctness of our theoretical findings and demonstrate the potential usefulness of the proposed approach in the posterior sampling of large-scale nonlinear statistical inverse problems.


讲者简介:贾骏雄 博士2015年毕业于西安交通大学且于同年留校任教,2017年聘为西安交通大学数学学院副教授,主要研究领域为反问题的贝叶斯推断方法。主持国家自然科学基金青年、面上项目各一项,2017年获得陕西省优秀博士学位论文奖、陕西省数学会优秀论文奖,2018年获西安交通大学第四届十大学术新人奖,2020年入选陕西高校青年杰出人才支持计划。在Inverse Probl., SIAM系列, J. Funct. Anal., J. Differential Equations等国际著名期刊上共发表论文27篇。



3. 报告三题目:Generalized Unitarily Invariant Gauge Regularization for Fast Low-Rank Matrix Recovery




讲者简介:贾西西,西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院副教授,主要研究方向包括:低秩矩阵逼近问题,深度学习的优化方法以及深度学习在图像复原问题中的应用。目前发表期刊和会议论文十余篇,其中包括TIP,TNNLS, Information Sciences以及CVPR等。



4. 报告三题目:MLR-SNet: Transferable LR Schedules for Heterogeneous Tasks


报告摘要:The learning rate (LR) is one of the most important hyper-parameters in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm for training deep neural networks (DNN). However, current hand-designed LR schedules need to manually pre-specify a fixed form, which limits their ability to adapt practical non-convex optimization problems due to the significant diversification of training dynamics. Meanwhile, it always needs to search proper LR schedules from scratch for new tasks, which, however, are often largely different with task variations, like data modalities, network architectures, or training data capacities. In this talk, I will present our proposed method to address above learning-rate-schedule setting issues.


讲者简介:束俊, 西安交通大学数学与统计学院博士生。2016年获西安交通大学理学学士学位。2016年起,在西安交通大学攻读应用数学博士学位。研究方向为机器学习,元学习,小样本学习以及在计算机视觉上的应用。已发表 CCF A类会议3篇。

