
应我校电信学院孟维晓教授、韩帅教授和陈舒怡副教授的邀请,在电信学院青年教师联合会、IEEE ComSoc哈尔滨分会、IEEE BTS哈尔滨分会、IEEE VTS哈尔滨分会、中国电子学会信号处理分会的支持下,无线通信领域的著名学者张杰教授,将来我校访问讲学和交流研讨。张杰教授将于20241011日在科创大厦黄大年多功能厅进行学术讲座,讲座将重点讨论智能无线环境建模与设计的最新前沿课题,欢迎全校感兴趣的师生参加。





Since 2019, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has attracted a lot of interests from both academia and industry. In this talk, Professor Jie Zhang will first introduce their pioneering work on Smart Radio Environments back to 2012 in a 2.2 million Euros research project titled “Wireless Friendly Energy Efficient Buildings (WiFEEB)” in which frequency selective surfaces, intelligent walls, and reconfigurable intelligent structures were studied. Then, he will give an introduction of their ground-breaking work on the establishment of a theoretical building wireless performance (BWP) evaluation framework that can be used to quantify the wireless performance of a building layout (i.e., given a building design/floorplan, tells how “wireless friendly” it is). Next, he will briefly introduce the progress that they have made in a project titled “AI-powered Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (AIRIS)”. Finally, he will touch on their ongoing work in BWP and draw a conclusion of the realisation of his vision of “Wireless Friendly Energy Efficient Buildings” back to 2010.



Jie Zhang is a professor at HIT Shenzhen. He has held the Chair in Wireless Systems with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K., since January 2011. He has pioneered research in small cell and heterogeneous network and published some of the landmark papers and books on these topics, widely used by both academia and industry. Since 2010, he and his team have developed ground-breaking work in building wireless performance modelling, evaluation and optimization. His Google scholar citations are in excess of 10000 with an H index of 46. He is also the Founder and the Chief Scientific Officer of Ranplan Wireless, Cambridge, U.K., a public company listed on Nasdaq First North. Ranplan Wireless produces a suite of world leading indoor and the first joint indoor-outdoor radio access network planning tool -- Ranplan Professional, which is being used by the world’s largest mobile operators and network vendors across the globe.