纽卡斯尔大学细胞医学研究所Mark Birch-Machin博士学术报告通知


纽卡斯尔大学细胞医学研究所Mark Birch-Machin教授来访我校,访问期间将举办学术报告进行交流,欢迎相关师生参加。

报告题目:Let there be lightSunlight DNA and Skin Ageing

报告时间:2018928 上午900

报告地点:科学园2E 411




Mark Birch-Machin, Ph.D., is Professor of Molecular Dermatology at the Newcastle University Institute of Cellular Medicine.  Prof. Birch-Machin pursued his Post-Doctoral career at the University of Oregon (USA), INSERM Paris, University of Toronto as well as Clinical Neuroscience and Biochemistry, Newcastle University (1986-1995) where he held several academic positions in the Department of Dermatology (1996-current).  During this time, he was elected Treasurer of the British Society of Investigative Dermatology (BSID) and co-editor of Experimental Dermatology.  He advanced to the position of Professor of Molecular Dermatology at Newcastle University in August 2005 and became Associate Dean of Business Development and Commercial Interface for the Faculty of Medical Sciences in September 2014 and currently holds this post.


Prof. Birch-Machin’s research group focuses on the response of human skin to ultraviolet radiation particularly within the context of skin ageing and cancer, particularly involving the role of mitochondria and has published extensively including 3 different Nature journals.  He also has interest in understanding the role of mitochondrial DNA in UV-induced oxidative stress, cancer and the relationship between oxidative within the context of skin ageing and cancer, particularly involving the role of mitochondria and has published extensively including 3 different Nature journals.  He also has interest in understanding the role of mitochondrial DNA in UV-induced oxidative stress, cancer and the relationship between oxidative stress, nutritional status and skin aging