应我校机电工程学院机械制造系耿延泉教授邀请,英国诺丁汉大学Dragos Axinte教授、廖志荣副教授将于2024年12月18日上午在哈尔滨工业大学进行学术交流,并作专题学术报告。欢迎校内师生参加讲座活动。
时 间:2024年12月18日(星期三),9:00 - 11:30
地 点:哈工大一校区制造楼318会议室
报告1:Workpiece surface in machining of advanced materials: From Macro to Nano studies
报告时间:2024年12月18日,9:00 - 10:00
Dragos Axinte教授简介:

Dragos Axinte is Professor of Manufacturing Engineering at University of Nottingham UK. Graduated at University of Galati, Romania, after working in industrial research for eight years, he held two NATO Research Fellowships in Italy and Denmark and then moved to UK to carry out research with University of Birmingham and later with University of Nottingham. He was appointed Lecturer in Manufacturing Engineering (2005) and successively promoted to Associate Professor (2007), Reader (2010) and Professor (2011). Since 2009 Dragos is Director of The Rolls-Royce UTC in Manufacturing and On-Wing Technology at University of Nottingham. Dragos is Fellow of CIRP and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture as well as Journal Materials Processing Technology. He has over 200 journal papers and over 30 granted international patents field with industry partners.
Dragos research interest is in the main following areas: Advanced Machining and Finishing Technologies, Time-Dependent Processes such as Laser Ablation, Abrasive Waterjet Machining, Monitoring of Manufacturing Processes, Design and Construction of Miniature Machine Tolls, Design of Innovative Robotics for Aerospace Manufacture and In-Situ Repairs in Hazardous Environments and Workpiece Surface Integrity Analysis.
报告时间:2024年12月18日,10:00 - 11:00

廖志荣于2017年获哈尔滨工业大学博士学位。现任教于英国诺丁汉大学,副教授,博士生导师。2016-2018年在英国诺工汉大学罗尔斯罗伊斯大学实验室从事博士后研究,2019年获得诺丁汉学者百人计划人才,卓越灯塔计划人才,成为独立研究员,2022年破格提拔为副教授。担任国际生产工程学会CIRP通讯会员兼英国区主席,英国机械学会会员(lMechE),皇家特许工程师(Chartered Engineer),International Journal of Machine tools and Manufacture 副主编 (Associate Editor),Journal of Materials Processing Technology 高级编辑(Senior Editor),中国机械工程学报中英文双刊编委,多次担任CIRP国际会议学术委员,在Nature Com, IJMTM, Acta Mater, Mater Des., JMPT和CIRP Annals等机械类国际顶级期刊发表论文一百余篇,H因子30。研究领域涉及航空航天及生物材料的切削加工,微细加工,激光加工及水射流加工等。作为PI主持英国工程和自然科学基金项目 (EPSRC),创新英国-欧盟尤里卡(innovate UK-Eureka)重点项目,欧洲区域发展基金项目(ERDF),英国高等教育创新基金项目 (HEIF),及多项工业界资助项目。共同主持多项欧洲地平线2020计划(Horizon 2020),创新英国(innovate UK)重点项目,英国生物技术与生物科学基金。科研经费累计达八百多万英镑, 被评为诺丁汉大学明日之星。