
2018-09-26 12:10






吴宇飞博士  澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学工程学院教授




1979-1983   浙江大学土木工程专业   本科

1983-1986   浙江大学土木工程专业   硕士

1992-1994   新加坡国立大学土木工程专业   硕士

1999-2002   澳大利亚阿德莱德大学土木工程专业   博士



1989-1992  上海交通大学  讲师

2004-2015  香港城市大学建筑及土木工程系  副教授

2015-至今  澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学工程学院  教授




近年来发表论文200多篇,包括SCI检索期刊论文126(Google Scholar H-index 35 Web of Science H-index 28) 主要包括:

(1) Xiaoxu Huang, Lili Sui, Feng Xing, Yingwu Zhou, Wu YF. Reliability assessment for flexural FRP-Strengthened reinforced concrete beams based on Importance Sampling. Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 156, 1 January 2019, Pages 378-398.

(2) Wan B, Jiang C, Wu YF. Effect of defects in externally bonded FRP reinforced concrete. Construction & Building Materials 2018; 172: 63–76.

(3) Yu Q, Wu YF. Fatigue retrofitting of cracked steel beams with CFRP laminates. Composite Structures 2018; 192:232-244.

(4) Kazmi SMS, Munir MJ, Wu YF. Hanif A, Patnaikuni I. Thermal performance evaluation of eco-friendly bricks incorporating waste glass sludge. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018; 172: 1867–1880.

为若干结构新技术的唯一或第一发明人,拥有6项美国发明专利(主要包括:(1) the theorems for flexural design of reinforced concrete, (2) the experimental method that can directly measure shear strength components in RC member tests, (3) the compression yielding structural design concept to increase the ductiliy of RC members, and (4) the experimental facility for concrete test under passive 3-dimentional confinement stresses.),并获得美国土木工程师协会MOISSEIFF奖。



(1) Member of the Technical Committee for the Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete, Buildings Department, Hong Kong SAR (30 April 2012 – 31 March 2014, reappointment 29 May 2014 – 31 March 2017)Member of the Technical Committee for the Code of Practice for Precast Concrete Construction, Buildings Department, Hong Kong SAR (22 March 2012 – 28 Feb 2014, reappointment 1 April 2014 – 31 March 2017)

(2)期刊编委:Lead Guest Editor, special issue on Engineering Composites: Materials; Associate Editor, Journal of Civil, Environmental




  1. New Developments in Reinforced Concrete Theory

时间:928日上午8:30—10:00   地点:土木工程学院402会议室

2.    学术交流:FRP材料在混凝土结构中的应用

时间:928日上午10:20—11:50   地点:土木工程学院402会议室

3.    New Technologies for Concrete Structures

时间:928日下午14:00—15:30   地点:土木工程学院402会议室

4.    学术交流:FRP材料的应用与发展

时间:928日下午15:50—17:20   地点:土木工程学院402会议室

5.    Research Productivity and Methodology

时间:929日上午8:30—10:00    地点:土木工程学院502会议室

6.    学术交流:如何写论文

时间:929日上午10:20—11:50   地点:土木工程学院502会议室