应计算机科学与技术学院王亚东院长邀请,在国际合作部国际项目管理中心支持下,英国莱斯特大学高级讲师Stephan Reiff-Marganiec博士即将于2019年3月3日-2019年3月9日访问我校。访问期间将在我校开展学术报告和学术沙龙。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。
报告时间:3月5日 (星期二)14:00-15:30
报告主题:Taking Research to the 'Dark Side'
主要内容:In this Seminar I will discuss my own trajectory through academia and the role industry has played throughout it; reflect on the trend in government agendas (with a focus on the UK) towards making research more applied rather than 'blue sky’; consider the challenges that academics see with this and explore the approach that I have been leading through departmental work as well as the Leicester Innovation Hub. I will show a clear trajectory of why and how Computer Science Research, especially on Software Engineering for Services, IoT and BigData is absolutely at the core of everything which opens new frontiers but also creates new challenges of an ever increasing cross disciplinary nature.
报告主题:Service-inspired Data Processing Architectures for a Smart World
主要内容:This talk will attempt to cover a number of topics and should lay the foundation for further discussions. First I will consider my trajectory in terms of research from telecommunications systems software to IoT and industry to academia as this puts an emphasis on what I consider important in research .I will spend the bulk of the talk on recent and current research as reflected by the title: we will discuss specifically aspects of software architecture for cloud and service computing paradigms. I will touch on the current hot topic of data analytics and machine learning. Finally, I will discuss possibilities for exchanges for both staff and students to the UK.
沙龙时间:3月8日 14:00-15:30
1. 莱斯特大学创新创业人才培养的经验
2. 学校、政府对创新创业人才培养的政策支持
3. 校企合作在创新创业人才培养中发挥的作用
4. 创新创业人才培养对高校科研促进作用
5. 高校科研成果转化为创业企业的案例剖析
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec博士