Event theme: Pakistan Cultural Sharing
Introduction of the speaker:
哈喽大家好!我们是来巴基斯坦的Zaheer Abbas and Muhammad Saeed, 这周四我们邀请您发现巴基斯坦的魅力,感受令人着迷的历史、丰富的传统文化、激动人心的体育成就、美味特色的饮食、叹为观止的风景。
Hello everyone! We’re Zaheer Abbas and Muhammad Saeed from Pakistan. This Thursday, we’ll invite you to discover the fascinating facts, rich culture, and traditions that make Pakistan a unique and captivating country. Explore the significance of thrilling sports achievements, scrumptious cuisine, and breathtaking destinations that showcase Pakistan's beauty.
Join us at Coffee Corner for an immersive journey through the hidden treasures of Pakistan

Registration link (registration will start at 9:00am on November 6th)