新加坡南洋理工大学陈晓东(Xiaodong Chen)教授学术报告通知


报 告 人:陈晓东

联 系 人:齐殿鹏, 王威, 尤世界

报告题目:The Art of Effective Scientific Presentations

报告时间:20211013日 上午9:30

腾讯会议  ID579 139 141 密码:1013




陈晓东,新加坡工程院院士,新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程校长讲席教授,兼任南洋理工大学化学与医学教授,新加坡科学与技术研究院(A*STAR)材料科学与工程方向首席科学家,新加坡科技研究局材料与工程研究院科学总监, 新加坡南洋理工大学柔性器件创新中心主任和Max Planck–NTU 人工智能感知联合实验室主任,英国皇家化学会会士。陈晓东教授的主要研究方向是力材科学,数字化传感,柔性电子技术,人机交互界面等,目前在NatureNature ElectronicsNature Communications等期刊发表论文330余篇,引用30000余次,多项研究成果转化,曾获南洋研究奖,Lubrizol青年材料科学研究员奖,洪堡基金会贝塞尔研究奖三井化学-SNIC产业奖等奖励。

Professor Xiaodong Chen is the President’s Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, Professor of Chemistry (by courtesy) and Medicine (by courtesy) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), and Principal Scientist at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). He is the Director of Innovative Centre for Flexible Devices (iFLEX) at NTU, the Director of Max Planck – NTU Joint Lab for Artificial Senses, and Deputy Director of Singapore Hybrid-Integrated Next-Generation μ-Electronics (SHINE) Center.

He received his B.S. degree (Honors) in chemistry from Fuzhou University (China) in 1999, M.S. degree (Honors) in physical chemistry from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002, and Ph.D. degree (Summa Cum Laude) in biochemistry from University of Muenster (Germany) in 2006.  After his postdoctoral fellow working at Northwestern University (USA), he started his independent research career as Nanyang Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University since 2009.  He was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in Sept 2013, then Full Professor in Sept 2016.  He was appointed as the President’s Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering in April 2019.  His research interests include mechano-materials science, senses digitalization, flexible electronics technology, and cyber-human interfaces. He has been elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore and a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry in UK. In addition, he was recognized by multiple prestigious awards and honors including Singapore NRF Investigatorship, Small Young Innovator Award, Singapore NRF Fellowship, Nanyang Research Award, Lubrizol Young Materials Science Investigator Award, Mitsui Chemicals-SNIC Industry Award in Materials and Nano-chemistry, and Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.