讲座报告:瑞尔森大学航空航天工程系教授Krishna D. Kumar讲座通知:Spacecraft Autonomy: Current Research and Future Challenges

时间 2019年07月28日 09:00 - 11:00
地点 活动中心416

在国际项目管理中心资助下,应航天学院卫星技术研究所王峰教授的邀请,瑞尔森大学航空航天工程系(Department of Aerospace Engineering, Ryerson University)教授Krishna D. Kumar即将于2019年7月26日-2019年7月29日访问我校。访问期间将在我校开展学术报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。



讲座题目:Spacecraft Autonomy: Current Research and Future Challenges

讲座内容:A spacecraft or a swarm of spacecraft represents a highly complex engineering system; it comprises of several subsystems such as avionics subsystem, propulsion subsystem, thermal control subsystem, power subsystem, and payload subsystem. These systems are multi-input & multi-output (MIMO) systems generally ranging in hundreds of inputs and outputs. In recent years, the complexity of these subsystems has increased more than a hundred folds due to high performance requirement and increased autonomous capability.The Diagnosis, Prognosis and Health Monitoring (DPHM), fault tolerant control, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics can play a significant role in meeting these requirements. Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) has been proposed for developing high performance autonomous flight vehicle.The FTC includes fault detection and isolation (FDI), robust control, and reconfigurable control (RC). My talk will discuss these methods and future challenges to achieve spacecraft autonomy.


Brief Bio

Dr. Krishna D. Kumar is presently a Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Director of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics for Aerospace Systems (AIPAAS) Laboratory at Ryerson University, Toronto. His experience in research spans more than 27 years at various premier institutions in Canada and abroad (including Ryerson University, Canada; National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan; Kyushu University, Japan; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea; Defence Research and Development Organization, India; and Birla Institute of Science and Technology, Pilani, India). During these years, Prof. Kumar has made a significant mark in research with exemplary contributions leading to new theoretical results and novel technologies for satellite control, formation flying, and fault tolerant control. His research has resulted in over 200 publications in high-ranking journals (88 papers) and conference proceedings (116), 5 books, 14 intellectual properties, and four patents. He has delivered more than 100 invited lectures/talks at various premier institutions in Canada and abroad.  


Prof. Kumar’s research achievements have been widely recognized nationally and internationally with several awards that include Member of International Academy of Astronautics, France (the most recognized academy in the field of Astronautics) (2018), Eminent Alumnus Award, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Sambalpur (2017), Sarwan Sahota Ryerson Distinguished Scholar Award (2015), Canada Research Chair (2005-2010; 2010-2015), Associate Fellow and Life Member of AIAA (2012), Ontario Early Researcher Award (2006-2011), NSERC Discovery Grant (2007-2012; 2012-2017), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship (2001-2003), and Science and Technology Agency (STA) Fellowship (1998-2000). He is the co-editor of Acta Astronautica (2014-2021) and Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical Sciences (2018-2021).

