麦考瑞大学计算机学院院长Michael Sheng教授学术报告通知

2019-10-10 09:18

  应计算机科学与技术学院院长王亚东教授的邀请,在国际项目管理中心的大力支持下,麦考瑞大学计算机学院院长Michael Sheng教授即将于2019年10月12日在我校开展两场学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。


  报告主题:Studying Abroad: Q&A



  报告摘要:With 20 years experience in Australia, in this interactive session, Prof. Michael Sheng will introduce Macquarie University and its computing programs. He will also answer your questions on studying abroad at Macquarie University and other universities in Australia.



  报告主题:Searching the Internet of Things: The Next Grand Challenge



  报告摘要:The Internet of Things (IoT) is widely regarded as an important technology to change the world in the coming decade. Indeed, IoT will play a critical role to improve productivity, operational effectiveness, decision making, and to identify new business service models for social and economic opportunities. While IoT-based digital strategies and innovations provide industries across the spectrum with exciting capabilities to create a competitive edge and build more value into their services, there are still significant technical gaps in making IoT services a reality, specially on effectively managing large volume of IoT devices and information generated from them. In this talk, I will overview my research team's more than 10-year research activities on IoT services, and also discuss some future research directions.




  Michael Sheng教授,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学计算机科学博士,现任麦考瑞大学计算机学院院长和全职教授。主要研究领域涉及万维网、物联网、大数据分析、网络服务、智慧城市、社会网络和普适计算。在计算机领域核心期刊或顶级会议上发表论文370余篇,其研究成果被国际同行广泛引用,迄今被引用9500余次,其中15篇论文被引用超过100次,最高单篇引用为1530次。

  Michael Sheng教授2019年被AMiner评选为物联网最具影响力学者100强(排名第26位),2014年获澳大利亚国家基金委ARC-Future Fellowship(整个澳大利亚信息技术领域只有7人), 2012年获澳洲计算机领域研究最高奖Chris Wallace杰出研究贡献奖 (整个澳大利亚和新西兰只有一人)2003年获得微软学者奖。Michael Sheng 教授的研究得到澳洲政府和工业界的大力支持,先后获得超过8百万澳元科研经费。Michael Sheng教授受邀担任多个国际顶级会议的会议主席。