哈工大图书馆英语沙龙活动 —— 以英为舟,以语探险

2022-11-22 07:44

为搭建英语口语练习 平台,激发读者学习热情,营造浓厚的全英文交流气氛,促进师生英语水平的提升,哈工大图书馆 “智课教育联合外国语学院推出“哈工大英语沙龙”活动,欢迎各位英语爱好者参与。


周四主题:找工作/ Job hunting



主 持 人: Priscilla



参与方式:会议ID:790-630-199      密码:1124


Topic discussions

Everyone knows the importance of a good job. Many university students have come such a long way honestly, if not fully, for getting a satisfying job. However, though a decent job can provide us with a decent pay and even a decent life, the competition in job market has been incredibly intense those years. Have you ever applied for any job? Did you encounter any difficulties when applying? Do you have or want to know any suggestions for job application?

Welcome those who are concerned about job-related issues to join our Corner!



周六主题:极端天气/extreme weather




主 持 人: Andy



参与方式:会议ID:714591020 密码:1126

Topic discussions

How's the weather today?Harbin in November is really withering cold, but it didn’t seem so in the past. Why on earth we cannot feel the warm autumn sun? Perhaps it has something to do with global climate change. Today, the weather is changing more and more quickly. You just found down jacket yesterday, and today you sweat through it. It’s really painful. What do you think of the weather today? What's the weather like in your hometown? What impact does the change of weather have on our life? What should we do about extreme weather? Join us in this week’s English Corner to have a chat about the weather.





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