
时间 2022年12月21日 09:30 - 11:00
地点 腾讯会议:499-2636-7173


报告人:宣向春 教授

报告题目:Nonlinear electrokinetic flows in insulator-based dielectrophoresis

报告时间:2022年12月21日(星期三) 09:30-11:00

会议地址:499-2636-7173 (腾讯会议)入会密码:202212


宣向春教授任职于克莱姆森大学机械工程学院。于2006年获得多伦多大学机械与工业工程系博士学位,于1995年获得中国科学技术大学工程学士学位。2012年,宣向春教授获得NSF Career Award,并于2022年获得克莱姆森大学杰出博士导师奖。他的研究领域涉及微流控基本原理和应用,主要聚焦于粒子和细胞操纵机制研究。


Electrokinetic microfluidics refers to devices that employ electric field to transport and manipulate fluids and particles in microchannels. Linear electrokinetic phenomena are the fluid flows or particle (both bio- and non-bio) motions proportional (in magnitude) and parallel (in direction) to the imposed electric field. They take place in the form of fluid electroosmosis and particle electrophoresis, both of which arise from the action of electric field on the free charge inside the electric double layer formed spontaneously at the fluid-solid interface. In contrast, nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena refer to the fluid flows or particle motions that vary nonlinearly with the imposed electric field. They may or may not follow the electric field direction, and hence offer additional degrees of freedom for particle manipulation. I will present in this five-talk series our recent projects on the exploration and utilization of nonlinear electrokinetic phenomena for continuous-flow particle manipulation. Specifically, I will report in the first three talks the use of channel structure to create electric field gradients for particle and cell manipulation via insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP), including reservoir-based dielectrophoresis (Talk 1) and curvature-induced dielectrophoresis in serpentine (Talk 2) and spiral (Talk 3) microchannels. I will present in the next two talks the fundamental and application studies of two types of nonlinear fluid flows, which are the electrothermal flow (Talk 4) and induced charge electroosmosis (Talk 5) arising from the Joule heating of the fluid and electric polarization of the wall, respectively, in iDEP microdevices.
