【百年百人】阿尔伯塔大学Mark Lewis教授讲座预告

报告人:Mark Lewis, University of Alberta

报告人简介:Mark Lewis, 阿尔伯塔大学数学统计学与生物科学教授,数学生物学加拿大讲席教授。已出版八部专著及200余篇论文指导50位以上研究生或博士后。曾获得CRM-Fields-PIMS 奖及加拿大应用与工业数学研究奖,担任Journal of Mathematical Biology主编曾任数学生物学协会主席。Fields研究所会士、数学生物学学会会士SIAM会士、加拿大数学协会会士、加拿大皇家学院院士。

报告题目:Population Dynamics in Moving Environments

摘要:Classical population dynamics problems assume constant unchanging environments. However, realistic environments fluctuate in both space and time. My lectures will focus on the analysis of population dynamics in environments that shift spatially, due either to advective flow (eg., river population dynamics) or to changing environmental conditions (eg., climate change). The emphasis will be on the analysis of nonlinear advection-diffusion-reaction equations and related models in the case where there is strong advection and environments are heterogeneous. I will use methods of spreading speed analysis, net reproductive rate and inside dynamics to understand qualitative outcomes. Applications will be made to river populations in one- and two-dimensions and to the genetic structure of populations subject to climate change.

报告时间:7月14日, 21:30-23:00 (Harbin), 07:30-09:00 (Edmonton), 15:30-17:00 (Paris)


Zoom webinar ID: 949 1882 0857



