
应我校电子与信息工程学院张腊梅和邹斌老师邀请在哈尔滨工业大学国际合作部、电信学院青年教师联合会、IEEE GRSS哈尔滨分会、SPIE哈尔滨分会的支持下,日本电气通信大学尚方老师将于2023710日,在哈尔滨工业大学成教楼704会议室进行学术讲座。欢迎对此感兴趣的专家学者、老师和同学参加。

报告题目:Data interpretation and application of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar




Abstract: Polarimetric SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) is an all-day and all-weather active remote sensing radar and it can obtain more detailed information and characteristics of the target by transmitting electromagnetic waves with different polarization modes. Therefore, polarimetric SAR attracts more attention and has been widely used in the fields of environmental monitoring and ground object classification.  Polarimetric target decomposition is a typical feature extraction method for polarimetric SAR data. It can decompose the scattering energy into the combination of various basic scattering mechanism to accurately analyze the polarimetric scattering characteristics of targets. In this report, the principles of different polarimetric decomposition methods are introduced and compared. Accordingly, some typical application and results are also introduces.


演讲者:Fang Shang, IEEE Member, IEICE Member. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and automation from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2009 and 2011, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and information systems from The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 2014.,She is currently an Associate Professor with the Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo. Her research interests include signal and imaging processing for the polarimetric SAR.