


陈维新,博士,台湾成功大学航空太空工程学系特聘教授,主要从事氢能、生物质能、洁净能源和传热与传质学方面的研究,获得各项荣誉近30,连续三年入选科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)年全球高被引学者榜单现为The Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal, Frontiers in Energy Research, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology International Journal of Energy Research副主编,Applied Energy编委,BioMed Research International, Energy Conversion and Management, Energies, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy客座编辑。在Applied Energy, Bioresource Technology, Combustion and Flame, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Power Sources等国际顶尖期刊上发表论文200余篇,总引用超过3200次,专利18件,H因子37 

  报告题目:Development of Green Energy and Fuel for Industrial Applications

  报告内容:With increasing global population and rising living standards, there has been a significant growt1h in energy demand worldwide over the last several decades. Currently, energy demand highly replies on the fossil fuel consumption. As a result, huge amounts of air pollutants and greenhouse gases are emitted, causing air pollution problem, deteriorated atmospheric greenhouse effect, global warming, and even climate change. To abate this obstacle for environmental sustainability, the development of green energy and fuels plays an important role for green environment. In this talk, the development of green energy and fuels, including bioenergy, hydrogen energy, and clean energy technologies, at the green energy and fuel laboratory (GENFUEL), NCKU, Taiwan, will be introduced. The conducted devices and novel outcome will be illustrated.
