
2019-08-07 17:24



王循理教授是中子散射和同步辐射研究领域的国际专家。2012年起任香港城市大学物理系讲座教授及系主任。到港之前,王循理教授在美国橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)工作20年,一直从事中子散射方面的研究,并成为ORNL的资深研究员(Distinguished Research Staff)、田纳西大学兼职教授。

王循理教授的主要研究领域包括材料相变、力学性能以及磁性,利用中子散射技术在材料科学多个领域均做出重要的贡献,尤其是对金属玻璃态的研究引起了学界的广泛关注。2009年开创性地提出了金属玻璃结构中短程序的fractal packing。2017年发现了金属玻璃中暗藏的一个非晶相,解决了困扰金属玻璃界四十年的一个疑问。王循理教授迄今已在Science(1篇)、Nature Materials(3篇),Physical Review Letters(7篇)、Nature Communications(1篇)等发表学术论文近200篇,被同行引用4000余次,应邀作特约报告愈100次。早期工作获美国焊接协会A. F. Davis 奖章,2006年获国家基金委杰青(B类),2008年中国科学院海外知名学者称号,2009年被中国教育部授予长江讲座教授, 2010年当选为美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow),2015年发起高登中子散射会议(Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering),并担任首届会议主席,2017当选为美国科学促进协会会士(AAAS Fellow)


题目:Introduction to City University of Hong Kong






题目:Cluster connectivity in metallic glass




Bulk metallic glasses were discovered more than 30 years ago.  It has been established that, for multicomponent metallic glass alloys, the short-range order or the fundamental building block is characterized by solute-centered clusters.  Over longer length scales, the clusters are packed on a fractal network forming the medium-range order.  Still, there remain many questions on the structure of metallic glasses, particularly with regard to the development of short- and medium-range orders during structure evolution induced by temperature or mechanical deformation.  The experimental results seem to show that during crystallization, mechanical deformation, and liquid-to-liquid phase transformation, the short-range order is enhanced but there are no substantial changes in the structure order.  Rather, it is the connectivity between clusters at medium-range scale, that drives the dynamic response.  In this paper, we explore the meaning of cluster connectivity and apply the concept to explain our experimental observations.



题目:Microscopic Insights of Mechanical Behaviours from Neutron Diffraction Measurements



摘要:Neutron scattering is a powerful method for characterizing the mechanical behaviours of materials.  In this talk, I will use several examples, from residual stress mapping in welds to in-situ loading studies of nanostructured and metallic glass alloys, to illustrate how this technique is used to gain microscopic insights of mechanical behaviours in engineering materials. We have recently applied in-situ neutron diffraction measurements to study deformation mechanisms in high entropy alloys at 10 K.  In contrast to room temperature, where the deformation is dominated by dislocation activities, at low temperatures, several other deformation mechanisms are also operating, which include stacking faults, twining, phase transformation, and serration.  Competitions between these different deformation mechanisms will be illustrated. Finally, scientific opportunities at the new China Spallation Neutron Source will be discussed. 

