Shi 空间物理专家下诺夫哥罗德国立大学DMITRY KOTIK教授系列学术讲座

在国际项目管理中心资助下,应理学院物理系周忠祥和袁承勋副教授的邀请,俄罗斯下诺夫哥罗德国立大学空间等离子体物理专家Dmitry Kotik教授,来我校进行学术交流。近期举办系列学术报告,题目、时间和地点如下,报告内容涉人工电离层变态,高能微波与等离子体相互作用等,欢迎校内感兴趣的师生参加,后续报告通知持续更新中。




讲座1The initial stage of research. An overview of research on the average power facilities at the NIRFI site in Zimenki and the PGI site in Monchegorsk is given

讲座2The second stage of research at the powerful SURA heater. Provides an overview of the results obtained in the 80-90 years at the SURA.

时间:2019220日,下午14:00 ~17:00


讲座3Studies on foreign heating facilities. Overview of technical tools and results from Arecibo (Puerto Rico), Tromsø (Norway), HIPASS and HAARP (Alaska, USA)

讲座4Current problems and new trends in the development of 21st century installations. The description of the American project of the sea-based heating facility is given. A number of applications of ionospheric generation of low-frequency radio waves are presented: a controlled effect on the Earth’s radiation belts, mineral exploration and earthquake prediction.

时间:2019221日,下午14:00 ~17:00


地点:哈工大理学楼 308



Dmitry Kotik教授是国际知名的空间等离子体物理专家,无线电物理专家,目前为下诺夫哥罗德国立大学电离层信息技术研究室主任。Kotik教授长期从事人工电离层变态、电离层加热、高能电磁波和等离子体相互作用实验研究,取得了诸多研究成果,在国际权威期刊发表学术论文140多篇。