墨尔本大学纪宝坤教授Professor Pookong Kee讲座通知

Lecture 1: Australia’s First Nation Peoples: Changing Indigenous-Settler Relations

Speaker: Professor Pookong Kee

Time: 3:00-4:30pm, Sept. 24, 2021

Venue: Tencent Meeting (674774200)


Lecture 2: Concepts and Practices of Multiculturalis m:
The Australian and Some Comparative Perspectives

Speaker: Professor Pookong Kee

Time: 3:45-5:15pm, Sept. 27, 2021

Venue: Tencent Meeting (944267689)

Professor Pookong Kee


KEE Pookong is the current BHP Chair of Australian Studies, located in the School of International Studies, Peking University.  He is also a member of the Academic Committee of the Institute of State Governance Studies at Peking University’s School of Government.  

Before his secondment to the BHP Chair in China, he was Professor and Director of the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne from 2010 till 2018. He has held various senior academic and public service positions in the Asia-Pacific region, including as Director of the Chinese Heritage Centre in Singapore, Professor of the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies and Director of the Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies at the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Japan.

His recent teaching and research interests are in international migration, international education, Chinese diaspora studies, Australia-Asia relations, and Asia-Pacific affairs.

Harbin Institute of Technology

School of International Studies

