【百年百人】美国科学院院士Sylvia Serfaty教授讲座预告

报告人:Sylvia Serfaty, New York University

报告人简介:Sylvia Serfaty,美国科学院院士。纽约大学柯朗数学科学研究所教授,被授予 Silver 教授一职。曾荣获EMS奖和Henri Poincaré奖,并受邀在国际数学家大会(ICM)做大会报告。

报告题目: Mean-Field limits for Coulomb-type dynamics 

摘要: We consider a system of N particles evolving according to the gradient flow of their Coulomb or Riesz interaction, or a similar conservative flow, and possible added random diffusion. By Riesz interaction, we mean inverse power s of the distance with s between d-2 and d where d denotes the dimension. We present a convergence result as N tends to infinity to the expected limiting mean field evolution equation. We also discuss the derivation of Vlasov-Poisson from newtonian dynamics in the monokinetic case, as well as related results for Ginzburg-Landau vortex dynamics.

报告时间:7月2日15:30-17:00 (Harbin)


Webinarlink: https://zoom.com.cn/webinar/register/WN_epW28DmURxSgoumO76dRJw(点击上面链接,填写姓名邮箱等信息,会收到一封邮件(没收到可以查看垃圾邮件),点击邮件里的链接或者用会议号即可加入。)


