
外国语学院语言中心于本周五(6月25号)12:15-13:30在外语楼102室继续面向全校师生组织英语沙龙活动(HIT Faculty & Staff English Salon)。此次活动由外国语学院大学英语第一教学部党支部主办,邀请英国外教Nathan主讲,外国语学院教师提供语言支持和志愿服务。现诚邀学校教职工参与此次活动。

此次沙龙活动的主题是“Value Education in British Schools”,外教Nathan将介绍价值观教育在英国教育体系是如何开展的,并引领大家展开相关讨论。此次英语沙龙活动将给当下的“课程思政”探索带来一个对照视角和生动素材。活动现场备有咖啡茶点,欢迎各位老师莅临外国语学院参加活动!

We are pleased to announce that the HIT Staff & Faculty English Salon will continue this Friday (12:15-13:30, June 25) in Room 101, Waiyu Building. Dr. Nathan, our foreign teacher from UK, will join us to give a lecture and preside over the subsequent discussion. Language teachers from the School of International Studies will provide language and volunteer services.

The topic is “Value Education in British Schools”. It is believed that this lecture and discussion will provide you with a fresh perspective to value education in teaching. Refreshments will be prepared and you are welcome!